Kentucky Representative Bart Rowland, the new Chair of the NCOIL Property & Casualty Insurance Committee, will be hosting an interim conference call meeting of the NCOIL Property & Casualty Insurance Committee on Friday, July 24th from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. (EST).
The purpose of the interim meeting is for the Committee to:
1.) discuss the first draft of an NCOIL Distracted Driving Model Act;
2.) provide an update on the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Casualty Actuarial and Statistical (C) Task Force’s (CASTF) Regulatory Review of Predictive Models White Paper; and
3.) provide an opportunity to discuss any of the five (5) NCOIL Model Laws that are scheduled for re-adoption at the upcoming NCOIL “Summer” Meeting in September. Those Models are:
a.) Post-Assessment Property and Liability Insurance Guaranty Association Model Act (originally adopted Nov. 2007; amended March 2015);
b.) Model Act Regarding Medicaid Interception of Insurance Payments (adopted November 2014; amended March 2015);
c.) Storm Chaser Consumer Protection Act – (adopted July, 2015);
d.) Model Act Regarding Use of Credit Information in Personal Insurance – (originally adopted November 2002; re-adopted November 2005; amended 2009; re-adopted November 2015); and
e.) Model Act to Regulate Insurance Requirements for Transportation Network Companies and Transportation Network Drivers – (adopted July 2015).
Please direct any questions or comments to NCOIL General Counsel Will Melofchik at [email protected].