NCOIL CEO Announces Retirement

For Immediate Release

July 18, 2024

Contact: Pat Gilbert

(732) 201-4133


Considine’s Tenure Marked by Significant Growth & Financial Stability

Belmar, NJ – July 18, 2024 – NCOIL CEO Commissioner Tom Considine today announced his retirement effective December 31, 2024.  The announcement came during the Welcome Breakfast of the organization’s 2024 National Council of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) Summer National Meeting in Costa Mesa, CA.  Considine has served as NCOIL’s first ever CEO since January 2016. The organization previously had an Executive Director Model.

“I think I can speak for everyone at NCOIL when I say Tom has made immeasurable contributions in terms of advancing the organization both substantively on the issues and expanding our legislative membership,” said Rep. Tom Oliverson, M.D. (TX), NCOIL President. “The growth we have seen over the past decade has been tremendous and I know we are well positioned for that continue.”

NCOIL has grown markedly under Considine from an average National Meeting attendance of 226 participants in 2015 prior to his arrival to over 350 attendees during the most recent year. Legislator participation also increased 42% in that time frame.

“Tom’s strategic vision and engaging personality was just what NCOIL needed from a leader when he came on as the first ever CEO in 2016. The organization is now not just in a position of stability but truly a position of strength with a strong and growing membership. We all owe him a great debt of gratitude for his service,” said Rep. Matt Lehman (IN), Past NCOIL President.

Considine’s tenure ushered in fresh perspective and ideas to the now over 50-year-old organization that in 2015 was struggling financially with an uncertain future. NCOIL now has a fortress balance sheet, ensuring it can continue to serve as an educational forum for legislators on insurance public policy issues for many more years to come.

“Tom’s exceptional leadership and extensive experience coupled with his outgoing personality has significantly contributed to NCOIL’s success and growth over the past decade,” said Rep. Deborah Ferguson, DDS, (AR) NCOIL Immediate Past President. “On a personal note, I am immensely grateful for his help in navigating my presidency from our first meeting in New Jersey to my last meeting as President in Ohio. His guidance and camaraderie have been invaluable, and I have truly enjoyed our friendship and the times we’ve shared.”

Idaho Insurance Director and Past NAIC President Dean Cameron said, “Tom is a dynamic, energetic and experienced leader. His leadership restored NCOIL to its appropriate influential position. Tom’s energy and passion tackled complicated and critical insurance challenges and drove towards responsible solutions. His experience recognized the critical role of state-based regulation and he advanced legislators and regulators collaborating to protect consumers. I am honored to have worked with Tom and I am grateful for his leadership and friendship.”

During the Welcome Breakfast, Considine announced NCOIL General Counsel Will Melofchik as his successor.

“When I came to NCOIL as CEO in 2016, my goals were to stabilize & secure NCOIL financially; to grow the organization in overall attendance and legislator participation through higher quality meetings; and to re-establish first the relevance then the importance of NCOIL in insurance public policy.  I’m proud of the work we’ve done together with the great legislative leadership we’ve had here to meet and exceed all of these goals,” stated Considine.

“It’s time for NCOIL to do another strategic assessment for the next 5-7 years, and so I decided it’s time for me to pass the torch, to retire as NCOIL’s CEO, fully confident in the organization’s strength for the whatever lies ahead. I cannot thank everyone enough who has contributed to the organization’s success over the years. I will be forever grateful to the Officers for the opportunity to meet the challenge NCOIL presented.” he concluded.

Considine will continue to serve NCOIL in a part-time consulting capacity following his retirement as CEO.


NCOIL is a national legislative organization with the nation’s 50 states as members, represented principally by legislators serving on their states’ insurance and financial institutions committees. NCOIL writes Model Laws in insurance and financial services, works to preserve the State jurisdiction over insurance as established by the McCarran-Ferguson Act over seventy years ago, and to serve as an educational forum for public policymakers and interested parties. Founded in 1969, NCOIL works to assert the prerogative of legislators in making State policy when it comes to insurance and educate State legislators on current and longstanding insurance issues.